Browse Medical Abbreviations

m minim; meta; muscle; molar; meter; medicine; mother
M mix (L. misce); master; male; thousand; myopia
M&F mother and father
M-CSF macrophage colony-stimulating factor
M. tb mycobacterium tuberculosis
M/Hx medical history
M/S musculoskeletal
M/uL million per microliter
M1 mitral first sound
M2 mitral second sound
mA milliampere
MA medical assistance; mental age
mAb monoclonal antibody
MABP mean arterial blood pressure
MAC mycobacterium avium complex; monitored anesthesia care
MAD multiple autoimmune disorder
MADD mothers against drunk driving
MAE moving all extremities
MAF minor allele frequency
MAFO molded ankle foot orthosis
Mag magnesium
MAI mycobacterium avium intracellular
MAL mid-axillary line
MALT mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
MAMC midarm muscle circumference
man. prim. first thing in the morning
mand mandible, mandibular; mandatory
MAO monoamine oxidase
MAO-B monoamine oxidase-b
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
MAP mean arterial pressure
MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
MAR medication administration record
MAS macrophage activation syndrome
MASH mobile army surgical hospital
MAST military anti-shock trousers
mast mastectomy
MAT miller analogies test; mean absorption time; modular antigen transporter
max maxilla, maxillary; maximum
MBC maximum breathing capacity; minimum bactericidal concentration
MBD minimal brain dysfunction
MBPS Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome
MC medical corps
mc millicurie
MC&S microscopy, culture, and sensitivity
MCA middle cerebral artery; motor cycle accident; mental capacity act
MCAD medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (deficiency)
MCAT Medical College Admissions Test
MCC major complication or comorbidity; motorcycle collision
MCD multiple carboxylase deficiency
MCDK multicystic dysplastic kidney
MCF middle cranial fossa
mcg microgram
MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin; maternal and child health
MCh Master of Surgery (L. magister chirurgiae)
MCHB Maternal and Child Health Bureau
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCI mild cognitive impairment; mass casualty incident
mCi millicurie
MCL mid-clavicular line; medial collateral ligament; maximum contamination level; mantle cell lymphoma
MCM medical countermeasure
MCO managed care organization
MCP metacarpal phalangeal (joint)
MCP joint metacarpophalangeal joint
MCPJ metacarpophalangeal joint
MCQ multiple-choice question
MCTD mixed connective tissue disease
MCUG micturating cystourethrogram
MCV mean corpuscular volume; meningococcal vaccine
MD muscular dystrophy; medical doctor; Meniere's disease
MDA medical device alert
MDD major depressive disorder; maximum daily dose
MDE major depressive episode
MDI metered dose inhaler
MDR multi-drug resistant; minimum daily requirement
MDR TB multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
MDR-TB multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
MDRD modification of diet in renal disease
MDS myelodysplastic syndrome; minimum data set; Master of Dental Surgery
MDT multidisciplinary team
MDU Medical Defence Union
ME medical examiner; muscle energy; myalgic encephalomyelitis
ME ratio myeloid/erythroid ratio
MEA multiple endocrine adenomatosis
med medical; medial (toward middle); medicine, medication
MED minimum effective dose
med neb medication nebulizer
meds medicines
MEFR maximum expiratory flow rate
MEG magnetoencephalography
MELD model for end-stage liver disease
mem member; memory
MEM Minimal Essential Medium
MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
MEO most efficient organization
mEq milliequivalent
mEq/L milliequivalent per liter
MERT medical emergency response team
MET metabolic equivalent task (ratio)
Met methionine
metab metabolic, metabolism
MetHb methemoglobin
mets metastasis
MF mid forceps
MFC medial femoral condyle
MFFD medically fit for discharge
MFM maternal fetal medicine
mfr manufacturer
MG myasthenia gravis
mg milligram (one thousandth of a gram)
Mg magnesium [element]
mg/dl milligrams per deciliter
mgA antibody (allergy testing)
MGF maternal grandfather
MGL IgM phospholipid unit
MGM maternal grandmother
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
mGy milligray (0.001 gray)
MH medical history; malignant hyperthermia; mental health
MHC major histocompatibility complex; Mental Health Center; myosin heavy chain
MHE mental health evaluator
MHI mild head injury
MHR maximum heart rate; maternal heart rate
MHT menopause hormone therapy; mental health therapist
MHU mental health unit
mHz megahertz (1 million hertz)
MI mental illness; myocardial infarction; mitral insufficiency
MI-CD mentally ill and chemically dependent
MI-D mentally ill and dangerous
MIC methyl isocyanate; minimum inhibitory concentration
microg microgram
microIU micro-international unit
MICU medical intensive care unit
MID multi-infarct dementia; minimum infective dose
mid middle
MIF melanocyte-inhibiting factor; macrophage inhibitory factor
Min minute; minimum
MIP Managed Indemnity Program/Plan
MIS management information system/service; misoprostol
misc miscellaneous
mist. a mixture
mIU milli-international unit
MIVA monitored intravenous anesthesia
mJ millijoule
mL milliliter (0.001 L)
ML midline
MLBW moderate to low birthweight
MLC multi lumen catheter; midline catheter
MLD median lethal dose; metachromatic leukodystrophy; minimum lethal dose
MLE midline episiotomy
MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus
MLPA multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification
MLT medical laboratory technician
mM millimolar; millimole
MM malignant melanoma; multiple myeloma; mucous membrane
mm millimeter (0.001 m)
mm3 cubic millimeter
MMA methylmalonic acid
MMC mitomycin C
MMEFR maximal mid-expiratory flow rate
MMF maxillomandibular fixation; mycophenolate mofetil
MMFR maximum mid-expiratory flow rate
mmHg millimeter of mercury (unit of pressure)
MMI methimazole
mmol millimole (1/1000th of a mole)
MMP matrix metalloproteinase
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MMR (DNA) mismatch repair; measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine)
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
MMT manual muscle test
Mn manganese [element]
MN Master of Nursing; myoneural
MND motor neuron disease
MNT medical nutrition therapy
Mo molybdenum [element]
mo month
MO medical officer; months old
MOA memorandum of agreement; mechanism of action
MOAB monoclonal antibodies
MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment
MODS multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
MODY maturity-onset diabetes of the young
MOI mechanism of injury
mol mole
mol wt molecular weight
MOM milk of magnesia; mycolate outer membrane
MONA morphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin
mono monocyte; mononucleosis
mor. dict. as directed
mor. sol. as accustomed
mOs milliosmole
mOsm milliosmole
MOU memorandum of understanding
mp as directed, in manner prescribed (L. modo praescripto)
MP midplane; menstrual period/pain
MP MIA microlatex particle mediated immunoassay
MPAP mean pulmonary artery pressure
MPB multipodus boot
MPC mucopurulent cervicitis; maximum permitted concentration
MPD multiple personality disorder; myeloproliferative disorders
MPE malignant pleural effusion
MPH Master of Public Health; miles per hour
MPJ metacarpophalangeal joint
MPL IgM phospholipid units
MPN most probable number
MPO myeloperoxidase
MPS mucopolysaccharidosis; Medical Protection Society
MPV mean platelet volume
mr milliroentgen
MR magnetic resonance; mitral regurgitation; mental retardation; medical record
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
Mrad megarad
mrad millirad
MRC medical research council
MRCP magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
mrem millirem
MRF melanocyte-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
mRF monoclonal rheumatoid factor
MRG murmur rub gallop
MRgFUS MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
mRNA messenger RNA; messenger ribonucleic acid
MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy
MRSA methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
MRSE methicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis
MS morphine sulfate; Master of Science; musculoskeletal; multiple sclerosis; mitral stenosis; mass spectroscopy; mass spectrometry
mS millisecond
MSA multiple system atrophy
MSAFP maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
MSDS material safety data sheet
MSE mental status examination
MSF meconium stained fluid
MSG monosodium glutamate
MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSI microsatellite instability; magnetic source imaging
MSk musculoskeletal
MSL midsternal line
MSLT multiple sleep latency testing
MSN Master of Science in Nursing
MSOF multi system organ failure
MSR motor sensory reflex
MST multi-systemic therapy
MSU monosodium urate monohydrate; midstream specimen of urine
MSUD maple syrup urine disease
mSv millisievert
MSW Master of Social Work; medical social worker
MT medical technologist
MTB mycobacterium tuberculosis
MTBI mild traumatic brain injury
MTC medullary thyroid cancer
MTD maximum tolerated dose; month-to-date
mtDNA mitochondrial DNA
mthy monthly
mTOR mammalian target of rapamycin
MTP metatarsal phalangeal
MTP joint metatarsophalangeal joint
MTPJ metatarsophalangeal joint
MTX methotrexate
mU micro unit; milliunit
MUA medically underserved areas
MUD matched unrelated donor
MUFA monounsaturated fatty acids
MUGA multiple gated acquisition
mult multiple
MUS medically unexplained symptoms
musc muscle
MUT Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency
mV millivolt
MV mitral valve
mv. movement
MVA motor vehicle accident
MVC motor vehicle collision
MVI multivitamin (injection)
MVO2 myocardial oxygen consumption
MVP mitral valve prolapse
MVR mitral valve repair/replacement/regurgitation
MVS mitral valve stenosis; motor, vascular, and sensory
MVV maximum voluntary ventilation; maximum ventilatory volume
MW microwave; molecular weight
mx. maxillary
MxT myringotomy and tubes
My myopia