Diagnostic Procedure
bi·op·sy [ bahy-op-see ]
Subclass of:
Specimen processing (procedure);
Diagnostic Techniques, Surgical;
Operative Surgical Procedures;
Greek bios = life + opsis = vision
Definitions related to biopsy:
A biopsy is a procedure that removes cells or tissue from your body. A doctor called a pathologist looks at the cells or tissue under a microscope to check for damage or disease. The pathologist may also do other tests on it. Biopsies can be done on all parts of the body. In most cases, a biopsy is the only test that can tell for sure if a suspicious area is cancer. But biopsies are performed for many other reasons too. There are different types of biopsies. A needle biopsy removes tissue with a needle passed through your skin to the site of the problem. Other kinds of biopsies may require surgery.MedlinePlusU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Patient required removal of tissue or fluid specimen to establish a diagnosis.U.S. FDA GlossaryU.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2021
Removal and pathologic examination of specimens from the living body.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
The removal of a small piece of tissue from the body for examination under a microscope.Harvard Dictionary of Health TermsHarvard Medical Publishing, 2011
The removal of cells or tissues for examination by a pathologist. The pathologist may study the tissue under a microscope or perform other tests on the cells or tissue. There are many different types of biopsy procedures. The most common types include: (1) incisional biopsy, in which only a sample of tissue is removed; (2) excisional biopsy, in which an entire lump or suspicious area is removed; and (3) needle biopsy, in which a sample of tissue or fluid is removed with a needle.NCI Dictionary of Cancer TermsU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
The removal of tissue specimens or fluid from the living body for microscopic examination, performed to establish a diagnosis.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Biopsy, medical diagnostic procedure in which cells or tissues are removed from a patient and examined visually, usually with a microscope. The material for the biopsy may be obtained by several methods and with various instruments, including aspiration through a needle, swabbing with a sponge...Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2020
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