Disease or Syndrome

bleph·a·ri·tis [ blef-uh-rahy-tis ]
Subclass of:
Eyelid Diseases
Greek blepharon = eyelid + -itis = inflammation
Definitions related to blepharitis:
Inflammation of the eyelids near the eyelashes.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Inflammation of the eyelids.Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)The Human Phenotype Ontology Project, 2021
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelid margins that may be acute or chronic. Symptoms and signs include itching and burning of the eyelid margins with redness and edema. Diagnosis is by history and examination. Acute ulcerative blepharitis is usually treated with topical antibiotics or systemic antivirals. Acute nonulcerative...Merck & Co., Inc., 2020
Blepharitis (blef-uh-RYE-tis) is inflammation of the eyelids. Blepharitis usually affects both eyes along the edges of the eyelids.Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Blepharitis refers to a group of disorders characterized by inflammation of the eyelids and associated adnexal structures including skin, lashes, and meibomian glands. It typically occurs bilaterally. Disease is usually chronic with intermittent exacerbations.Athenahealth, Inc., 2019
Blepharitis, common inflammation of the eyelids that is marked by red, scaly, crusting eyelids and a burning, itching, grainy feeling in the eye. The eye itself often has some redness. There are two forms of blepharitis: anterior, which affects the exterior edge of the eyelid, and posterior, which...Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2020
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