Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction

brux·ism [ bruhk-siz-uhm ]
Subclass of:
Psychological Distress;
Behaviorial Habits;
Tooth Diseases
Greek brychein = to eat with much noise
Hence applied to the grinding of teeth, such as occurs as a nervous habit or in sleep.
Hence applied to the grinding of teeth, such as occurs as a nervous habit or in sleep.
Definitions related to bruxism:
A disorder characterized by grinding and clenching of the teeth.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Bruxism is characterized by the grinding of the teeth including the clenching of the jaw and typically occur during sleep.Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)The Human Phenotype Ontology Project, 2021
Excessive clenching of the jaw and grinding of the teeth.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Grinding or gnashing of the teeth, typically occurring during sleep. Seen in anxiety disorder.Sadock's Comprehensive Glossary of Psychiatry and PsychologyBJ Sadock Titles Press, 2012
Oral habit involving involuntary rhythmic or spasmodic nonfunctional gnashing, grinding and clenching of teeth, usually during sleep.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
Bruxism is clenching or grinding of teeth. Bruxism can abrade and eventually wear down enamel and dentin in the crowns of teeth, damage metal or ceramic dental crowns, and cause teeth to become mobile. Bruxism is considered a multifactorial condition. Tooth abrasion and erosion is often worse in patients who also have gastroesophageal...Merck & Co., Inc., 2020
Bruxism (BRUK-siz-um) is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you're awake (awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep (sleep bruxism).Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Bruxism is a clinical phenomenon that can manifest in both children and adults. In 2013, an international panel of experts updated the consensus bruxism definition as: a repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterized by clenching or grinding of the teeth and/or by bracing or thrusting of the mandible. Bruxism has 2 distinct circadian...Athenahealth, Inc., 2019
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