Inorganic Chemical
carbon monoxide
car·bon mon·ox·ide [ kar-bun muh-nok-side ]
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Definitions related to carbon monoxide:
A poisonous gas that has no color or odor. It is given off by burning fuel (as in exhaust from cars or household heaters) and tobacco products. Carbon monoxide prevents red blood cells from carrying enough oxygen for cells and tissues to live.NCI Dictionary of Cancer TermsU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
An odorless, colorless gas that is toxic to humans and animals at high levels; it is produced by cars, furnaces, fireplaces, and other equipment powered by combustion.Harvard Dictionary of Health TermsHarvard Medical Publishing, 2011
An odorless, tasteless, poisonous gas, CO, that results from the incomplete combustion of carbon. Inhalation causes central nervous system damage and asphyxiation.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Carbon monoxide (CO). A poisonous colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. It combines with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, which has no oxygen carrying capacity. The resultant oxygen deprivation causes headache, dizziness, decreased pulse and respiratory rates, unconsciousness, and death. (From Merck Index, 11th ed)NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced by incomplete fossil fuel combustion.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
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