cauda equina
Subclass of:
Spinal nerve root
Definitions related to cauda equina:
A bundles of nerve roots that look like a horse's tail, located at the end of the spinal cord.Harvard Dictionary of Health TermsHarvard Medical Publishing, 2011
The collection of spinal nerve roots, arising from lumbar pairs two through five, sacral pairs one through five, and the coccygeal nerve, that branch off the conus medularis at the termination of the spinal cord, and float freely within the lumbar cistern before exiting the spinal column at the appropriate vertebra.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
The lower part of the SPINAL CORD consisting of the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal nerve roots.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
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