Disease or Syndrome

cer·vi·ci·tis [ sur-vuh-sahy-tis ]
Subclass of:
Cervix Diseases
Latin cervix = neck + Greek -itis = inflammation
Applied only to inflammation of the neck of the uterus.
Applied only to inflammation of the neck of the uterus.
Definitions related to uterine cervicitis:
(cervicitis) An acute or chronic inflammatory process that affects the cervix. Causes include sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial infections. Clinical manifestations include abnormal vaginal bleeding and vaginal discharge.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
(cervicitis) Inflammation of the uterine cervix.Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)The Human Phenotype Ontology Project, 2021
Cervicitis is infectious or noninfectious inflammation of the cervix. Findings may include vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, and cervical erythema and friability. Women are tested for infectious causes of vaginitis and pelvic inflammatory disease and are usually treated empirically for chlamydial infection and gonorrhea.Merck & Co., Inc., 2020
Cervicitis is an inflammation of the uterine cervix, characteristically diagnosed by: (1) a visible, purulent or mucopurulent endocervical exudate in the endocervical canal or on an endocervical swab specimen and/or (2) sustained, easily induced endocervical bleeding when a cotton swab is gently passed through the cervical os. A normal...WebMD, 2019
Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus that opens into the vagina.Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Inflammation of the cervix characterized by a purulent endocervical exudate and/or easily induced endocervical bleeding caused by manipulation with an atraumatic instrument such as a cotton swab.Athenahealth, Inc., 2019
Cervicitis, inflammation of the uterine cervix, the small, thick-walled tube that is the protruding extension of the uterus (womb) leading into the vagina. The narrow central canal of the cervix is lined with a moist mucous membrane, and it contains mucous glands. The cervix secretes most of the...Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2020
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