Anatomical Abnormality
clubbed finger
Definitions related to clubbed fingers:
(clubbing) A clinical finding in which the distal phalanx of each finger appears rounded and bulbous, the nail plate is more convex, and the angle between the plate and the proximal nail fold appears increased to Greater than or equal to 180 degrees on visual inspection.ACC/AHA Clinical Data TerminologyAmerican College of Cardiology and American Heart Association , 2020
(clubbing of fingers) An abnormal enlargement of the terminal phalanges accompanied by increased length-wise curvature of the nails, giving the digits a club-like appearance. Clubbing has been noted with a wide variety of conditions, including pulmonary and cardiac diseases, liver disorders, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
(clubbing of fingers) Terminal broadening of the fingers (distal phalanges of the fingers).Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)The Human Phenotype Ontology Project, 2021
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