Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
combination therapy

com·bi·na·tion ther·a·py [ kom-bih-nay-shun thayr-uh-pee ]
Subclass of:
Therapeutic procedure
Definitions related to combined modality therapy:
(combination therapy) Simultaneous or sequential treatment of a disease or condition using more than one means, such as by any combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, or surgery.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
(multimodality therapy) Use of two or more simultaneous or consecutive treatment modalities; e.g., surgery + radiation, or radiation + immunotherapy. Does not refer to use of two or more chemotherapeutic agents.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
(multimodality treatment) Therapy that combines more than one method of treatment.NCI Dictionary of Cancer TermsU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
The treatment of a disease or condition by several different means simultaneously or sequentially. Chemoimmunotherapy, RADIOIMMUNOTHERAPY, chemoradiotherapy, cryochemotherapy, and SALVAGE THERAPY are seen most frequently, but their combinations with each other and surgery are also used.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
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