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consent form

[ kuhn-sent fawrm ]
Definitions related to consent forms:
A document explaining all the relevant information to assist an individual in understanding the expectations and risks in making a decision about a procedure. This document is presented to and signed by the individual or guardian.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Document used during the informed consent process that is the basis for explaining to potential subjects the risks and potential benefits of a study and the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. NOTE: The informed consent document provides a summary of a clinical trial (including its purpose, the treatment procedures and schedule, potential risks and benefits, alternatives to participation, etc.) and explains an individual's rights as a subject. it is designed to begin the informed consent process, which consists of conversations between the subject and the research team. if the individual then decides to enter the trial, s/he gives her/his official consent by signing the document. See also informed consent.CDISC TerminologyClinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC), 2021
Documents describing a medical treatment or research project, including proposed procedures, risks, and alternatives, that are to be signed by an individual, or the individual's proxy, to indicate his/her understanding of the document and a willingness to undergo the treatment or to participate in the research.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
(informed consent form) A document to capture consent by a patient to a surgical or medical procedure or participation in a clinical study after achieving an understanding of the relevant medical facts and the risks involved.Content Archive Resource Exchange LexiconCareLex, 2013
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