Body Location or Region
craniocervical region
Definitions related to head and neck:
For oncology, an area of the body generally construed to comprise the base of skull and facial bones, sinuses, orbits, salivary glands, oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, thyroid, facial and neck musculature and lymph nodes draining these areas.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
The area of the body comprising the skull, facial bones and the cervical vertebrae, sinuses, orbits, salivary glands, oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, thyroid, facial and neck musculature, soft tissue and lymph nodes draining these areas.CDISC TerminologyClinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC), 2021
(craniocervical region) Anatomical cluster which has as direct parts head and neck.Foundational Model of AnatomyUniversity of Washington, 2017
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