es·ter·ase [ es-tuh-reys, -reyz ]
Definitions related to esterases:
Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of an ester to produce an alcohol and an acid.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
Encoded by Esterase Genes, Esterases catalyze hydrolysis of ester bonds to produce alcohol and acid reaction products.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Any member of the class of enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of an ester bond and result in the addition of water to the resulting molecules.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology.Standard Product NomenclatureU.S Food & Drug Administration, 2003
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