Body System
integumentary system
[ in-teg-yuh-men-tuh-ree sis-tuhm ]
Subclass of:
Anatomy (MeSH Category)
Definitions related to integumentary system:
(integument) Organ system subdivision which consists of the skin and the superficial fascia. Examples: There is only one integument.Digital AnatomistUniversity of Washington, 2003
Organ system which has as direct parts skin and superficial fascia. Examples: There is only one integument.Foundational Model of AnatomyUniversity of Washington, 2017
The enveloping membrane of the body; includes, in addition to the epidermis and dermis, all the derivatives of the epidermis, e.g., hairs, nails, sudoriferous and sebaceous glands.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
The outer covering of the body composed of the SKIN and the skin appendages, which are the HAIR, the NAILS; and the SEBACEOUS GLANDS and the SWEAT GLANDS and their ducts.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Integument, in biology, network of features that forms the covering of an organism. The integument delimits the body of the organism, separating it from the environment and protecting it from foreign matter. At the same time it gives communication with the outside, enabling an organism to live in a...Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2020
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