Disease or Syndrome
lep·to·spi·ro·sis [ lep-toh-spahy-roh-sis ]
Subclass of:
Spirochaetales Infections
Definitions related to leptospirosis:
A contagious bacterial infection caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. Humans are infected by contact with water and soil which have been contaminated with animal waste products. The signs and symptoms include an initial flu-like phase, followed by a second phase in which patients may develop meningitis, liver failure and renal failure.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Infections with bacteria of the genus LEPTOSPIRA.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Leptospirosis is an anthropozoonosis caused by spiral-shaped bacteria belonging to the genus Leptospira. Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonosis with a worldwide distribution and has emerged as a major public health problem in developing countries in South-East Asia and South America.OrphaNetINSERM, 2021
Leptospirosis is an infection caused by one of several pathogenic serotypes of the spirochete Leptospira. Symptoms are biphasic. Both phases involve acute febrile episodes; the 2nd phase sometimes includes hepatic, pulmonary, renal, and meningeal involvement. Diagnosis is by culture and serologic testing. Treatment is with antibiotics...Merck & Co., Inc., 2020
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals that is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. It is considered the most common zoonosis in the world.WebMD, 2019
A zoonosis with worldwide distribution, which represents a significant public-health problem. The infection is caused by motile spirochetes from the genus Leptospira and is maintained in nature by chronic renal infection of carrier animals.Athenahealth, Inc., 2019
Leptospirosis, acute systemic illness of animals, occasionally communicable to humans, that is characterized by extensive inflammation of the blood vessels. It is caused by a spirochete, or spiral-shaped bacterium, of the genus Leptospira. Leptospires infect most mammals, particularly rodents and...Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2020
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