pu·ta·men [ pyoo-tey-min ]
Subclass of:
Latin putamen = shell (covering) or a paring
Definitions related to putamen:
The grey matter, located between the globus pallidus and the external capsule of the brain, that comprises the lateral dorsal striatum of the basal ganglia.CDISC TerminologyClinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC), 2021
A structure located in the middle of the brain. The putamen is part of the basal ganglia and together with the caudate forms the striatum that influences motor activity.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
Largest and most lateral of the basal ganglia lying between the lateral medullary lamina of the globus pallidus and the external capsule; it is part of the neostriatum and forms part of the lentiform nucleus along with the globus pallidus; lesions of the putamen produce athetoid movements on the opposite side of the body.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
Nucleus of brain which lies ventral to the caudate nucleus and internal capsule and medial to the external capsule.Foundational Model of AnatomyUniversity of Washington, 2017
The largest and most lateral of the BASAL GANGLIA lying between the lateral medullary lamina of the GLOBUS PALLIDUS and the EXTERNAL CAPSULE. It is part of the neostriatum and forms part of the LENTIFORM NUCLEUS along with the GLOBUS PALLIDUS.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
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