Congenital Abnormality
ulnar hypoplasia
ul·nar hy·po·pla·si·a
Definitions related to ulnar hypoplasia:
(hypoplasia of the ulna) Underdevelopment of the ulna.Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)The Human Phenotype Ontology Project, 2021
(upper limb mesomelic dysplasia) This syndrome is an isolated upper limb mesomelic dysplasia. It has been described in four patients from two unrelated families (a man and his daughter, and a Lebanese man and his son). Patients present with ulnar hypoplasia with severe radial bowing, but normal stature. The mode of transmission is likely to be autosomal dominant with variable expressivity.OrphaNetINSERM, 2021
This syndrome is an isolated upper limb mesomelic dysplasia. It has been described in four patients from two unrelated families (a man and his daughter, and a Lebanese man and his son). Patients present with ulnar hypoplasia with severe radial bowing, but normal stature. The mode of transmission is likely to be autosomal dominant with...National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
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