Medical Device
ureteral catheters
[ yoo-ree-ter-al, yer-ee- kath-i-ters ]
Definitions related to ureteral catheters:
A urological catheter and accessories is a flexible tubular device that is inserted through the urethra and used to pass fluids to or from the urinary tract. This generic type of device includes radiopaque urological catheters, ureteral catheters, urethral catheters, coude catheters, balloon retention type catheters, straight catheters, upper urinary tract catheters, double lumen female urethrographic catheters, disposable ureteral catheters, male urethrographic catheters, and urological catheter accessories including ureteral catheter stylets, ureteral catheter adapters, ureteral catheter holders, ureteral catheter stylets, ureteral catheterization trays, and the gastro-urological irrigation tray (for urological use).Standard Product NomenclatureU.S Food & Drug Administration, 2003
Catheters inserted into the URETER from the KIDNEY to the URINARY BLADDER or through the URETHRA and BLADDER to the kidney.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
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