Neoplastic Process
vagal paraganglioma
Definitions related to vagal paraganglioma:
A benign or malignant extra-adrenal parasympathetic paraganglioma arising from paraganglia in the vagus nerve. Patients may present with a slow growing painless mass in the neck, hoarseness, vocal cord paralysis, and dysphagia.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
A tumor that develops in the retrostyloid compartment of the parapharyngeal space, arising from an island of paraganglion tissue derived from the neural crest that is located on the vagus nerve.Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO)The Human Phenotype Ontology Project, 2021
Glomus vagale tumor is a type of paraganglioma, which is a tumor that develops in the paraganglia (a group of cells that are found near nerve cell bunches called ganglia). Glomus vagale tumors, specifically, grow in the paraganglia located near the vagus nerve, an important cranial nerve which serves many functions including empowering...National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
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