Cell Function
en·do·cy·to·sis [ en-doh-sahy-toh-sis ]
Subclass of:
Cell physiology
Definitions related to endocytosis:
A vesicle-mediated transport process in which cells take up external materials or membrane constituents by the invagination of a small region of the plasma membrane to form a new membrane-bounded vesicle.Gene Ontology DictionaryGene Ontology Consortium, 2021
Cellular uptake of extracellular materials within membrane-limited vacuoles or microvesicles. ENDOSOMES play a central role in endocytosis.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
The uptake by a cell of material from the environment by invagination of its plasma membrane.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
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