Disease or Syndrome
heart aneurysm
heart an·eu·rysm
Subclass of:
Heart Diseases;
Definitions related to heart aneurysm:
A localized bulging or dilatation in the muscle wall of a heart (MYOCARDIUM), usually in the LEFT VENTRICLE. Blood-filled aneurysms are dangerous because they may burst. Fibrous aneurysms interfere with the heart function through the loss of contractility. True aneurysm is bound by the vessel wall or cardiac wall. False aneurysms are HEMATOMA caused by myocardial rupture.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
Aneurysmal dilatation of a portion of the wall of the ventricle, usually the left, or, rarely, a saccular protrusion through it (false aneurysm of the heart); usually consequent to myocardial infarction but other causes such as bacterial endocarditis or trauma have been described.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
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