Cell Function
histamine release
his·ta·mine re·lease
Definitions related to histamine release:
Secretion of histamine from mast cell and basophil granules by exocytosis; this can be initiated by a number of factors, all of which involve binding of IgE, cross-linked by antigen, to the mast cell or basophil's Fc receptors; once released, histamine binds to a number of different target cell receptors and exerts a wide variety of effects.CRISP ThesaurusNational Institutes of Health, 2006
The secretion of histamine from mast cell and basophil granules by exocytosis. This can be initiated by a number of factors, all of which involve binding of IgE, cross-linked by antigen, to the mast cell or basophil's Fc receptors. Once released, histamine binds to a number of different target cell receptors and exerts a wide variety of effects.NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
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