Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid
ra·di·o·phar·ma·ceu·ti·cal [ rey-dee-oh-fahr-muh-soo-ti-kuhl ]
Subclass of:
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action;
Diagnostic Uses of Chemicals;
Indicators and Reagents
Definitions related to radiopharmaceuticals:
A drug that contains a radioactive substance and is used to diagnose or treat disease, including cancer.DICOM DictionaryDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, 2021
A radioactive drug that is used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease. Example(s): Technetium^99m DMSA Sodium fluoride F^18^ Fluorodeoxyglucose F^18^.BRIDG Model DictionaryBiomedical Research Integrated Domain Group, 2019
Compounds that are used in medicine as sources of radiation for radiotherapy and for diagnostic purposes. They have numerous uses in research and industry. (Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p1161)NLM Medical Subject HeadingsU.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021
(radiopharmaceutical compound) An agent that contains a radioactive isotope and is used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.NCI ThesaurusU.S. National Cancer Institute, 2021
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