Roots, Prefixes & Suffixes
-ia | condition [suffix] |
-ian | specialist [suffix] |
-iasis | condition or state [suffix] |
iatr/o | treatment |
-iatrics | medical specialty [suffix] |
-iatry | medical specialty [suffix] |
-ic | pertaining to [suffix] |
-ician | specialist [suffix] |
-ics | specialty [suffix] |
icter/o | jaundice |
-ile | pertaining to [suffix] |
ile/o | ileum |
ili/o | ilium |
im- | not [prefix] |
immun/o | immunity, safe |
in- | into, not, within [prefix] |
-ine | pertaining to [suffix] |
infra- | below, beneath [prefix] |
-ing | action, process (verb) [suffix] |
inguin/o | groin |
inter- | between [prefix] |
intra- | within [prefix] |
intro- | within [prefix] |
-ion | process of [suffix] |
-ior | pertaining to [suffix] |
ir- | not [prefix] |
irid/o | iris |
-is | (noun form) [suffix] |
is/o | equal |
isch/o | hold back, restrain |
ischi/o | ischium |
-ism | condition [suffix] |
iso- | equal, same [prefix] |
-ist | specialist [suffix] |
-itis | inflammation [suffix] |
-ity | condition [suffix] |
-ive | character, quality [suffix] |
-ize | do, make (verb) [suffix] |
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Gr. Greek origin. L. Latin origin.
This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. The definitions on this page should not be considered complete.