Roots, Prefixes & Suffixes

sacr/o sacrum
salping/o fallopian tube
sarc/o flesh
scapul/o scapula (shoulder blade)
schiz/o split, divide
scler/o hardening, sclera
sclera/o hard
-sclerosis hardening [suffix]
scoli/o crooked, bent, twisted (Gr. skolios)
-scope visual examination instrument [suffix]
-scopy visual examination [suffix]
scrot/o scrotum
seb/o sebum
semi- half [prefix]
semin/o semen
seminat semen
-sepsis putrefying [suffix]
sept- seven [prefix]
sept/o infection, partition
septic/o infection, putrefying
ser/o serum
sial/o saliva
sider/o iron
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
-sis condition, state of [suffix]
situ in place
somat/o body
-some body [suffix]
somn(i/o) sleep
son/o sound
-spasm contraction, spasm [suffix]
sperm/o spermatozoa
spermat/o spermatozoa
spher/o spherical
sphygm/o pulse
spin/o spine
spir/o breathe
splen/o spleen
spondyl/o vertebra
squam/o squamous (scaly)
-stalsis contraction [suffix]
staped/o stapes
-stasis control, stop [suffix]
steat/o fat
sten/o narrow
stern/o sternum (breastbone)
steth/o chest
stom(a/o) mouth, opening
stomat/o mouth
-stomy surgical opening [suffix]
strict tighten
sub- below, under [prefix]
sud/o sweat
super- above [prefix]
supra- above [prefix]
sym- together, with [prefix]
syn- together, with [prefix]
synov/o synovial membrane
systol contraction

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