Browse Medical Abbreviations
C | carbon [element]; cytosine; contact; Calorie (kilocalorie) [case sensitive]; Celsius (centigrade) |
c | calorie (small calorie); with |
C&A | conscious and alert |
C&C | confirmed and compatible |
C&DB | cough and deep breath |
C&P | crowning and pushing |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
C-B | chest-back |
C-collar | cervical collar |
C-spine | cervical spine |
c.c. | with food (L. cum cibos) |
c.m.s. | to be taken tomorrow morning (cras mane sumendus) |
c.n. | tomorrow night (cras nocte) |
c.n.s. | to be taken tomorrow night (cras nocte sumendus) |
c/o | complains of |
C/S | consult |
C/TG | cholesterol/triglyceride ratio |
C/w | continue with; consistent with |
C1 | first cervical vertebra |
C2 | second cervical vertebra |
Ca | calcium [element] |
CA | chronological age; cortical area; coronary artery; cancer, carcinoma |
ca. | approximately (circa) |
CAB | compressions-airway-breathing; coronary artery bypass |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CABS | coronary artery bypass surgery |
CAC | Certified Addictions Counselor; coronary artery calcium |
CaCO3 | calcium carbonate |
CACT | carnitine acylcarnitine translocase (deficiency) |
CAD | coronary artery disease; computer-aided detection |
CAE | complement activity enzyme |
CAF | cytoxan, adriamycin, fluorouracil |
CAGE | controlling, anger/annoyance, guilt, eye opener (questions) |
CAH | congenital adrenal hyperplasia; chronic active hepatitis |
CAI | computer assisted instruction |
CAIS | complete androgen insensitivity syndrome |
Cal | Calorie (kilocalorie) |
cal | calorie |
CAM | complementary and alternative medicine |
cAMP | cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
cANCA | cytoplasmic ANCA |
CAO | conscious, alert, and oriented |
CAOX3 | conscious, alert, oriented to person, place, time |
cap | capsule; capillary |
CAP | community acquired pneumonia |
CAPD | central auditory processing disorder; continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
caps | capsules |
CARP | confluent and reticulated papillomatosis |
CARS | compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome |
cART | combination antiretroviral therapy |
CAST | cardiac arrhythmia suppression trial |
CAT | computerized axial tomography; crisis assessment and treatment |
cath | cathartic; catheter(ization) |
CAU | child and adolescent unit; clinical assessment unit |
cauc | Caucasian |
CAUTI | catheter-associated urinary tract infection |
cav | cavity |
CAVH | continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration |
CAVP | continuous arterial venous pressure |
CB | carotid bruit |
CBC | complete blood count |
CBD | common bile duct; cannabidiol |
CBE | charting by exception; clinical breast exam |
CBF | coronary blood flow; core-binding factor; cerebral blood flow |
CBG | corticosteroidbinding globulin; capillary blood gas |
CBI | continuous bladder irrigation |
CBLL | capillary blood lead level |
CBO | community based organization |
CBP | chronic bacterial prostatitis |
CBRNE | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents |
CBS | casual blood sugar |
CBSC | cord blood stem cells |
CBT | computer-based training; cognitive behavioral therapy |
CBW | chemical and biological warfare |
cc | milliliter (cubic centimeter) |
CC | current complaint; care coordinator; cardiac catheterization; chief complaint |
CCA | calcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery |
CCAM | congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation |
CCB | calcium channel blocker; change control board |
CCC | checkpoint clamp complex; chronic care clinic |
CCCA | central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia |
CCE | clubbing, cyanosis edema |
CCF | congestive cardiac failure |
CCH | care closer to home |
CCHS | congenital central hypoventilation syndrome |
CCK | cholecystokinin |
CCMS | cerebrocostomandibular syndrome; clean catch midstream (specimen) |
CCNU | lomustine |
CCP | cyclic citrullinated peptide; clinical care pathway |
CCPD | continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis |
CCRA | cardiac cath recovery area |
CCT | controlled cord traction; certificate of completion of training |
CCU | critical care unit; cardiac care unit; coronary care unit |
CCW | counterclockwise |
CD | controlled drug(s); Crohn's disease; current diagnosis; cycle day; conduct disorder; cluster of differentiation; cesarean delivery; cardiovascular disease; communicable disease; chemical dependency |
Cd | cadmium [element] |
CD-ROM | compact disc read-only memory |
CD4 | helper T lymphocytes |
CD8 | cytotoxic T lymphocytes |
CDA | Certified Dental Assistant |
CDAD | Clostridium difficile-associated disease |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CDG | congenital disorders of glycosylation |
CDH | congenital dislocation hip; congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
CDHF | chronic diastolic heart failure |
CdLS | Cornelia de Lange syndrome |
CDMI | Clinical Digital Maturity Index |
cDNA | complementary DNA |
CDT | Certified Dental Technician; Clostridium difficile toxin |
CDU | chemical dependency unit |
CE | continuing education |
Ce | cerium [element] |
CEA | cost-effectiveness analysis; cultured epithelial autografts; carcinoembryonic disease; carotid endarterectomy; carcinoembryonic antigen |
cEEG | continuous electroencephalogram |
CEH | continuing education hour |
CEMRI | contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging |
CEN | Certified Emergency Nurse |
cert | certified, certificate |
cerv | cervix/cervical |
CES | cat-eye syndrome |
CETR | care, education and treatment review |
CEU | continuing education unit |
CF | cystic fibrosis |
cf. | compare (L. confer) |
CFAM | cerebral function analysing monitor |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon |
cfDNA | cell free DNA |
CFLD | cystic fibrosis liver disease |
CFR | case fatality ratio; Certified First Responder; child fatality review; Code of Federal Regulations |
CFS | chronic fatigue syndrome |
CFTR | cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator |
CFU | colony-forming unit |
cg | centigram (one hundredth of a gram) |
CG | chorionic gonadotropin |
CGA | comprehensive geriatric assessment; contact guard assist |
CGD | chronic granulomatous disease |
CGH | comparative genomic hybridization |
Cgm | centigram (one hundredth of a gram) |
cGMP | cyclic guanine monophosphate |
CGN | chronic glomerulonephritis |
CGRP | calcitonin gene-related peptide |
cGy | centigray |
CH | clinical hold; congenital hypothyroidism; corpuscular hemoglobin |
ch | child; chest |
ch px | chicken pox |
CHADS | congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or TIA |
CHAQ | Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire |
CHB | complete heart block; congenital heart block |
CHC | community health center; continuing health care |
CHD | congenital heart disease; coronary heart disease |
ChE | cholinesterase |
chem | chemical, chemistry |
chemo | chemotherapy |
CHF | congestive heart failure; chronic heart failure |
CHHA | certified home health aide/agency |
CHI | closed head injury |
CHL | conductive hearing loss |
CHO | carbohydrate |
chol | cholesterol |
CHR | complete hematologic response |
Chr | chronic |
CHS | Chediak-Higashi syndrome |
ChSu | chondroitin sulfate |
CHT | closed head trauma |
CI | cardiac index; confidence interval; cochlear implant |
Ci | curie |
CIA | collagen-induced arthritis |
CIBH | change in bowel habits |
CIC | crisis intervention center; circulating immune complex; certified infection control |
CICU | coronary intensive care unit |
CIE | counterimmunoelectrophoresis |
CIED | cardiovascular implantable electronic device |
cig | cigarette |
CIM | critical illness myopathy |
CIMT | carotid intima-media thickness |
CIN | contrast-induced nephropathy; cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
CIP | clean in place; cost/continuous improvement plan/process |
CIPA | congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis |
circ | circumcision; circumference; circulate |
CIS | carcinoma in situ |
CISM | critical incident stress management |
CJD | creutzfeldt-jakob disease |
CK | creatinine phosphokinase; creatine kinase |
CK-MB | serum creatine kinase, myocardial-bound |
CKC | closed kinetic chain; cold knife conization |
CKD | chronic kidney disease |
cl | centiliter |
Cl | chlorine [element] |
Cl- | Chloride |
CLA | certified laboratory assistant |
CLABSI | central line-associated bloodstream infection |
CLcr | creatinine clearance |
CLD | chronic liver disease |
CLI | critical limb ischemia |
CLIA | clinical laboratory improvement amendments |
clin | clinic |
CLL | chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
CLN | clinical lead/liaison nurse |
CLOD | clinical lead for organ donation |
CLR | clear |
CLS | Coffin Lowry syndrome |
CLTC | citizens for long-term care |
CM | cervical mucus; case/care management |
cm | centimeter |
cm2 | square centimeter |
CMA | Certified Medical Assistant |
CMAP | compound muscle action potential |
CMAS | Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale |
CMC | carpo metacarpal |
CMC joint | carpometacarpal joint |
CME | continuing medical education |
CMF | cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil |
CMG | cystometrogram |
CMG2 | capillary morphogenesis protein 2 |
CMHC | community mental health center |
CMI | cell-mediated immunity |
CML | chronic myelogenous leukemia; chronic myeloid leukemia |
CMO | comfort measures only; chief medical officer; care management organization |
CMP | comprehensive metabolic panel |
cmp | cardiomyopathy |
CMR | cardiac magnetic resonance (imaging); cerebral metabolic rate |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid |
CMT | certified medication technician; cervical motion tenderness |
CMTC | cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita |
CMV | controlled mechanical ventilator; cytomegalovirus |
CN | cognitively normal; cranial nerve; child nutrition |
CNA | Certified Nurse Aide |
CNE | chronic nervous exhaustion |
CNH | chondrodermatitis nodularis helices |
CNI | calcineurin inhibitor |
CNM | Certified Nurse Midwife |
CNO | Chief Nursing Officer |
cNOS | constitutive nitric oxide synthase |
CNR | closed nasal reduction |
CNS | Clinical Nurse Specialist; central nervous system |
CNS lupus | central nervous system lupus |
CNSC | certified nutrition support clinician |
CO | Certified Orthotist; carbon monoxide; cardiac output |
Co | cobalt [element] |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COA | coarctation of the aorta; Certified Ophthalmic Assistant |
CoA | Coenzyme A |
COAD | chronic obstructive airway disease |
coag | coagulation |
COB | coordination of benefits; close of business |
COC | cauterization of the cervix; combined oral contraceptive; Certificate of Coverage |
COCs | combined oral contraceptives (estrogen and progestin) |
COG | center of gravity |
COH | carbohydrate; controlled ovarian hyperstimulation |
COLD | chronic obstructive lung disease |
COM | chronic otitis media |
COMP | cartilage oligomeric matrix protein |
comp. | compound; compounded of; complication |
COMT | catechol-o-methyltransferase |
conc | concentrated |
cond | condition |
cong | congenital |
CONSORT | Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials |
const | constant |
cont | continue |
contras | contraindications |
contrx | contractions |
COO | chief operating officer |
COP | conditions of participation (Medicare) |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COPE | chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema |
CORE | coordinated outbreak response and evaluation |
corr | correct, correction |
COT | Nicotine/Cotinine (COT test) |
COTA | certified occupational therapy assistant |
CoV | coronavirus |
COWS | clinical opiate withdrawal scale |
COX | cyclooxygenase |
COX-2 | cyclooxygenase 2 (inhibitors) |
cP | centipoise unit |
CP | chest pain; cerebral palsy; cardiopulmonary; cleft palate; cicatricial pemphigoid |
CPA | cerebellopontine angle; costophrenic angle |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPB | competitive protein binding; cardiopulmonary bypass |
CPC | clinicopathologic conference |
CPD | continuing professional development; congenital polycystic disease; cephalopelvic disproportion; chronic pulmonary disease |
CPDD | calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease |
CPE | chronic pulmonary emphysema; cytopathogenic effect |
CPEO | chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia |
CPET | cardiopulmonary exercise testing |
CPHD | combined pituitary hormone deficiency |
CPHSS | Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale |
CPhT | Certified Pharmacy Technician |
CPIS | Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score |
CPK | creatine phosphokinase; creatinine phosphokinase |
CPM | counts per minute; central pontine myelinolysis; continuous passive mobilizer; continuous passive motion; care plan meeting |
CPMI | chronic and persistent mental illness |
CPP | cerebral perfusion pressure; choroid plexus papilloma |
CPPD | calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate |
CPPV | continuous positive pressure ventilation |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CPS | Child Protective Services |
CPT | carnitine palmitoyl transferase; Current Procedural Terminology; chest physiotherapy |
CQI | continuous quality improvement; clinical quality indicator |
CR | crown-rump length; complete remission; creatinine; conditioned reflex; controlled release (medication) |
Cr | chromium [element] |
CRA | clinical research associate |
CRB | clinical reference board; change review board |
CRC | colorectal cancer; Certified Rehabilitation Counselor |
CrCl | creatinine clearance |
CRD | chronic respiratory disease |
crea | creatinine |
creat | creatinine |
CREST | calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias |
CRF | chronic renal failure; cardiac risk factors; case report form; corticotropin-releasing factor |
CRH | corticotropin-releasing hormone |
CRI | constant rate infusion; catheter-related infection; chronic renal insufficiency |
CRIF | closed reduction-internal fixation |
CRISPR | clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats |
crit | Hematocrit |
CRL | crown rump length |
cRNA | complementary RNA; chromosomal RNA |
CRNA | certified registered nurse anesthetist |
CRNH | certified registered nurse hospice |
CRNP | Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner |
CRO | clinical research organization |
CRP | C-reactive protein |
CRPS | complex regional pain syndrome |
CRQ | Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire |
CRR | consult review request |
CRRT | continuous renal replacement therapy |
CRS | cytokine release syndrome; congenital rubella syndrome; chronic rhinosinusitis |
CRS-R | Conners Rating Scales-Revised |
Crt | creatinine |
CRT | capillary refill time; Certified Respiratory Therapist; cardiac resynchronization therapy; chemoradiation therapy |
CRTT | Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician |
CRU | coronary rehabilitation unit |
cryo | cryoprecipitate; cryosurgery |
Cs | cesium [element] |
CS | culture and sensitivity; completed stroke; clinically significant; chondroitin sulfate; cesarean section; cardiogenic shock; cardiac sphincter; close supervision |
cs | conditioned stimulus |
CSA | cyclosporin A; central sleep apnea; Controlled Substances Act; cross sectional area |
CSF | colony-stimulating factor; cerebrospinal fluid |
CSH | combat support hospital |
CSHF | chronic systolic heart failure |
CSIC | cervical spine immobilization collar |
CSII | continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion |
CSM | circulation, sensory, and motor; cervical spondylotic myelopathy |
CSO | chief scientific officer |
CSP | carotid sinus pressure |
CSR | Cheyne-Stokes respiration; central supply room |
CSS | central service supply; Churg Strauss syndrome |
CST | contraction stress test; Certified Surgical Technologist |
CSU | catheter specimen of urine |
CT | computed tomography; computed/computerized tomography; cognitive therapy; clinical trial; chest tube |
CT scan | computed tomography scan |
CT/GC | Chlamydia Trachomatis/Neisseria Gonorrhea |
CTA | clear to auscultation; computerized tomography angiography |
CTAB | clear to auscultation bilaterally |
CTB | chronic tuberculosis; cease to breathe |
CTC | chlortetracycline; common toxicity criteria; circulating tumor cell; computed tomographic colonography |
CTCL | cutaneous T-cell lymphoma |
CTD | cumulative trauma disorder; connective tissue disease |
ctDNA | circulating tumor DNA |
CTE | chronic traumatic encephalopathy |
CTEPH | chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
CTG | cathepsin G |
CTLSO | cervical thoracic lumbar sacral orthosis |
cTnI | cardiac troponin I |
cTnT | cardiac troponin T |
CTO | chronic total occlusion; clinical trial outline |
CTP | color, temperature, pulse; cytidine triphosphate |
CTPA | computed tomography pulmonary angiogram |
CTPH | chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
ctr | control |
CTR | carpal tunnel release |
CTS | carpal tunnel syndrome |
ctx | contraction |
CTZ | chemoreceptor trigger zone |
Cu | copper [element] |
CU | case unknown |
CUA | cost-utility analysis |
CUC | chronic ulcerative colitis |
CUD | carnitine uptake defect; cannabis use disorder |
CUm | cubic micron |
cur | current |
CV | curriculum vitae; cardiovascular |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident; cardiovascular accident; cerebral vascular accident; costovertebral angle |
CVAT | costovertebral angle tenderness |
CVB | coxsackievirus B |
CVC | central venous catheter |
CVD | cerebrovascular disease; cardiovascular disease |
CVI | chronic venous insufficiency; central visual impairment |
CVID | common variable immunodeficiency |
CVL | central venous line |
CVOU | cardiovascular outpatient unit |
CVP | central venous pressure |
CVRB | critical value read back |
CVS | cyclical vomiting syndrome; computer vision syndrome; clean-voided specimen; chronic villus sampling; chorionic villus sampling |
CvS | cardiovascular system |
CVVH | continuous venovenous hemofiltration |
CVVHD | continuous venovenous hemodialysis |
CVVHDF | continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration |
CVVHF | continuous venovenous hemofiltration |
CVX | cervix |
CWD | canal wall down |
CWR | canal wall reconstruction |
CWU | canal wall up |
Cx | culture; conscious; cervix/cervical; cancel |
CX | circumflex |
Cx Bx | cervical biopsy |
CXR | chest x-ray |
Cy | cyanosis |
CY | calendar year |
CYC | cyclophosphamide |
CYS | children and youth services |
cysto | cystoscopy |
cytol | cytology |
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This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. Abbreviations vary by context and institution. Many abbreviations have alternate or newer meanings not reflected in this set. The abbreviations on this page should not be considered complete.