Browse Medical Abbreviations
T | temperature; thoracic |
T Bili | total bilirubin |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
T&C | type and cross |
T&H | type and hold |
T&S | type and screen |
T&X | type and crossmatch |
T-hold | transportation hold (law enforcement) |
T.A.T. | toxin-antitoxin |
t.d.s. | to be taken three times daily |
T.I. | thoracic inlet |
t.i.d. | three times a day (L. ter in die) |
t.i.n. | three times a night |
T/C | to consider |
T3 | triiodothyronine |
T4 | thyroxine |
TA | transactional analysis; toxin-antitoxin; tentative approval; temporal arteritis |
Ta | tantalum [element] |
TAA | thoracic aortic aneurysm |
tab | tablet |
TAB | therapeutic abortion |
TAC | time, amount, character (emesis, bleeding, drainage, etc.) |
tachy | tachycardia |
TAF | triage assessment form |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy; transfusion-associated hepatitis |
TAH-t | total artificial heart |
TAHBSO | total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oophorectomy |
TAMI | thrombolysis and angioplasty in myocardial infarction |
TAO | thromboangiitis obliterans |
TAPSE | tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion |
TAPVD | total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage |
TAR | total ankle replacement; total all routes (intake) |
TAROM | total active range of motion |
TAT | turnaround time; thematic apperception test; tetanus antitoxin |
TAVI | transcatheter aortic valve implantation |
Tb | terbium [element] |
TB | tubercle bacillus; tuberculosis; tuberculin |
TBA | to be admitted; to be announced |
TBB | transbronchial biopsy |
TBBMD | total body bone mineral density |
tbc | tubercle bacillus |
TBD | to be determined |
TBE | tick-borne encephalitis |
TBG | thyroid-binding globulin; thyroxine-binding globulin |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
TBNA | transbronchial needle aspiration |
TBP | thrombophlebitis; therapeutic biologic product |
TBSA | total body surface area |
Tbsp | tablespoon |
TBT | tracheobronchial tree |
TBW | total body water; total body weight |
TC | total cholesterol; tactile cues; tetracycline; testicular cancer |
Tc | technetium [element] |
TC&DB | turn, cough, and deep breath |
TCA | tricyclic antidepressant; trichloroacetic acid |
TCC | transitional cell carcinoma |
TCD | transcranial doppler |
TCDB | turn, cough, deep breathe |
TCE | trichloroethylene |
TCH | turn, cough, hyperinflate |
TCID50 | median tissue culture infective dose |
TCN | tetracycline |
TCP | thrombocytopenia; transcutaneous pacer; tumor control probability |
TcPCO2 | transcutaneous carbon dioxide |
TCPL | time cycled pressure limited |
TCR | T cell (antigen) receptor |
TCS | Treacher-Collins syndrome |
TCU | transitional care unit |
Td | tetanus diphtheria |
TD | target date; transdermal; tardive dyskinesia |
Tdap | tetanus diphtheria pertussis vaccine |
TDF | testes determining factor; tenofovir disoproxil fumarate |
TDM | therapeutic drug monitoring |
TdP | Torsade's de Pointes |
TDR-TB | totally drug-resistant tuberculosis |
Tds | three times a day |
TDWB | touch down weight bearing |
Te | tellurium [element]; tetanus |
TE | therapeutic equivalence; echo time; toxoplasmic encephalitis |
TEA | tetraethylammonium; thoracic epidural analgesia |
tech | technician |
TED | thrombo embolic deterrent |
TEE | transesophageal echocardiogram; transesophageal echocardiography; transesophageal endoscopy |
TEF | tracheoesophageal fistula |
TEM | transmission electron microscope |
temp | temperature |
TEN | toxic epidermal necrolysis |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
TEP | tracheo-esophageal puncture; tetraethylpyrazine |
TEV | talipes equinovarus |
TF | tube feeding |
TFT | thyroid function test |
TG | triglyceride; thyroglobulin |
TGA | transposition of the great arteries (formerly TGV, transposition of the great vessels) |
TGF | transforming growth factor |
TGF-B | transforming growth factor beta |
TGV | thoracic gas volume |
Th | thorium; T helper |
TH | thyroid hormone |
THA | total hip arthroplasty |
THC | tetrahydrocannabinol (in marijuana and related) |
ther | therapeutic, therapy |
Thr | threonine |
THR | target heart rate; total hip replacement |
Ti | titanium [element] |
TI | inversion time |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
Tib | tibial |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity |
TICU | trauma intensive care unit |
TID | three times a day (ter in die) |
TIH | tumor-induced hypercalcemia |
TIMI | thrombolysis in myocardial infarction |
tinct | tincture |
TIPS | transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt |
TIS | tumor in situ |
TJC | The Joint Commission |
TK | thymidine kinase |
TKA | total knee arthroplasty; trochanter knee ankle |
TKE | terminal knee extension |
TKO | to keep open (intravenous) |
TKR | total knee replacement |
Tl | thallium [element] |
TL | total laryngectomy; tubal ligation; translingual (through the tongue); testolactone |
TLC | total life center; therapeutic lifestyle change; tender loving care; total lung capacity; thin layer chromatography |
TLE | temporal lobe epilepsy |
TLI | total lymphoid irradiation |
TLR | toll-like receptor |
TLS | tumor lysis syndrome; tertiary lymphoid structures |
TLSO | thoracolumbar sacroorthosis |
TM | transcendental meditation; tympanic membrane |
Tm | thulium [element] |
TMD | temporomandibular disorder |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
TMP | thymidine monophosphate; transmembrane pressure; trimethoprim; total membrane pressure |
TMP/SMX | trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole |
TMR | trans-myocardial revascularization |
TMS | transcranial magnetic stimulation; tympanic membranes |
TMT | treadmill test |
TN | trigeminal nerve |
TNBC | triple-negative breast cancer |
TNBP | transurethral needle biopsy of prostate |
TNDM | transient neonatal diabetes mellitus |
TNF | tumor necrosis factor |
TNF-I | tumor necrosis factor inhibitor |
TNM | tumor-node-metastasis |
TNS | transcutaneous nerve stimulation |
TNT | trinitrotoluene |
TnT | troponin T |
TNTC | too numerous to count |
TNTM | too numerous to mention |
TO | telephone order |
Toco | tocotransducer |
TOD | target organ damage |
TOE | transesophageal echocardiography |
TOF | Tetralogy of Fallot |
tol | tolerate; tolerance |
TOLAC | trial of labor after cesarean |
TOP | termination of pregnancy |
top | topically |
topo I | topoisomerase I |
TORB | telephone order read back |
TORCH | toxoplasmosis, other (hepatitis b, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex 2 |
TORP | total ossicular replacement (prosthesis) |
TOS | thoracic outlet syndrome |
tox | toxicology; toxic, toxicity |
TP | total protein |
tPA | tissue plasminogen activator |
TPA | total parenteral alimentation |
TPE | total plasma exchange |
TPI | treponema pallidum immobilization (syphilis test); trigger point injection |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPO | thyroid peroxidase |
TPPA | treponema pallidum particle agglutination (assay) |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration; total peripheral resistance |
TPUR | transperineal urethral resection |
TQM | total quality management |
TR | repetition time; tubal reversal; tricuspid regurgitation; therapeutic recreation |
tr | trace; tincture |
trach | tracheotomy; trachea(l); tracheostomy |
TRALI | transfusion-related acute lung injury |
trans | transverse |
TRAP | tremor, rigidity, akinesia or postural instability bradykinesia, and postural instability |
TRBF | total renal blood flow |
Treg | regulatory t cell |
TRF | thyrotropin-releasing factor; total fluid removed |
TRH | (thyroid or thyrotropin)-releasing hormone |
Trich | trichomonas |
Trig | triglyceride |
trit. | triturate, grind |
TRMA | thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia; trauma |
tRNA | transfer ribonucleic acid |
TRO | temporary restraining order |
Trp | tryptophan |
TRPS | trichorhinophalangeal syndrome |
TRUS | transrectal ultrasound |
TS | tuberous sclerosis; trauma score; tricuspid stenosis; Tourette syndrome |
TSC | tuberous sclerosis |
TSD | time since death; Tay-Sachs disease |
TSE | transmissible spongiform encephalopathies; testicular self-examination |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
TSHR | thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor |
TSLO | thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis |
tsp | teaspoon |
TSS | toxic shock syndrome |
TST | tuberculin skin test |
TT | tetanus toxoid; total thyroidectomy; thrombin time; tilt table |
TTE | transthoracic echocardiography |
tTG | antitransglutaminase |
TTOM | to take out medicine |
TTP | thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
TTR | transthyretin |
TTS | temporary threshold shift |
TU | tuberculin unit; titer unit |
TUD | tobacco use disorder |
Tues | Tuesday |
TUI | transurethral incision |
TUIP | transurethral incision of the prostate |
TUMA | transurethral microwave antenna |
TUMT | transurethral microwave thermotherapy |
TUNA | transurethral needle ablation |
TUPP | tobacco use prevention program |
TUR | transurethral resection |
TURBT | transurethral resection of bladder tumor |
TURP | transurethral resection of prostate |
TV | tidal volume; total volume; tricuspid valve |
TVH | total vaginal hysterectomy |
TVR | tricuspid valve replacement |
TVT | tension-free vaginal tape |
TWE | tap water enema |
Tx | treatment; thromboxane; traction; transplant |
Tyr | tyrosine |
TZD | thiazolidinedione |
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This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. Abbreviations vary by context and institution. Many abbreviations have alternate or newer meanings not reflected in this set. The abbreviations on this page should not be considered complete.