Browse Medical Abbreviations
E | Escherichia; eye |
E Ab | elective abortion |
E&A | evaluate and advise |
E&M | evaluation and management |
e-IPV | enhanced potency inactivated poliovirus vaccine |
e-MAR | electronic medication administration record |
E. coli | Escherichia coli |
e.g. | for example (L. exempli gratia) |
EA | epidural anesthesia; environmental assistance |
EAA | essential amino acids; extrinsic allergic alveolitis |
EAB | elective abortion |
EAC | external auditory canal; erythema annulare centrifugum |
EAE | experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis |
eAG | estimated average glucose |
EAR | estimated average requirement |
EB | epidermolysis bullosa |
EBA | epidermolysis bullosa acquisita |
EBB | endobronchial biopsy |
EBBS | equal bilateral breath sounds |
EBF | exclusively breastfed |
EBH | evidence-based healthcare |
EBL | estimated blood loss |
EBLL | elevated blood lead level |
EBM | evidence-based medicine |
EBNA | Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen |
EBP | evidence-based practice |
EBUS | endobronchial ultrasound |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | emergency contraception; enteric coating (medication); energy conservation; emergency center |
ECC | endocervical curettage; emergency cardiac care; extracorporeal circulation; early childhood caries (tooth decay) |
ECCE | extracapsular cataract extraction |
ECF | extracellular fluid; extended care facility |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
echo | echocardiogram; echocardiography |
ECL | electrochemiluminescence |
ECLAM | European Consensus Lupus Activity Measure |
ECLS | extracorporeal life support |
ECMO | extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
ECP | emergency contraceptive pill |
ECQ | executive code qualifications |
ECR | emergency chemical restraints |
ECRB | extensor carpi radialis brevis |
ECRL | extensor carpi radialis longus |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy |
ECU | extensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit |
ECV | extracellular volume |
ED | emergency department; erectile dysfunction; effective dose |
ED&C | electrodessication and curettage |
Ed.D | Doctor of Education |
ED50 | median effective dose |
EDB | ethylene dibromide; extensor digitorum brevis |
EDC | extensor digitorum communis; electronic data capture; estimated day of confinement; electrodesiccation with curettage |
EDD | expected date of delivery; estimated due date; estimated date of discharge |
EDL | extensor digitorum longus |
EDM | extensor digiti minimi (muscle) |
EDP | erythema dyschromicum perstans |
EDR | electrodermal response |
EDS | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; edetate calcium disodium |
educ | education |
EDV | epidermodysplasia verruciformis; end-diastolic volume |
EDWT | end-diastolic wall thickness |
EE | Ethinyl estradiol |
EED | erythema elevatum diutinum |
EEE | eastern equine encephalitis |
EEG | electroencephalogram; electroencephalography |
EELV | end-expiratory lung volume |
EENT | eye, ear, nose, and throat |
EER | estimated energy requirement |
EES | Erythromycin (erythromycin ethylsuccinate) |
EF | ejection fraction; eosinophilic fasciitis |
EFE | endocardial fibroelastosis |
eff | effect |
EFM | electronic fetal monitor |
EFW | estimated fetal weight |
EGA | estimated gestational age |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
EGF | epidermal growth factor |
eGFR | estimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive] |
EGFR | epidermal growth factor receptor [case sensitive] |
EGG | electrogastrography |
EH | employee health |
EHB | extensor hallucis brevis |
EHC | emergency hormonal contraception |
EHL | electrohydraulic lithotripsy; extensor hallucis longus |
EHR | electronic health record |
EHS | employee health service |
EHT | essential hypertension; estrogen hormone therapy |
EI | early intervention |
EIA | enzyme immunoassay; exercise-induced asthma |
EIA U | enzyme immunoassay unit |
EID | electronic infusion device |
EIEE | early infantile epileptic encephalopathy |
EIP | extensor indicis proprius |
eIPV | enhanced-potency inactivated poliovirus vaccine |
EJ | external jugular |
EKG | electrocardiogram |
EL | early latent |
el | elect, elective |
elb | elbow |
ELDU | extra-label drug use |
elev. | elevated |
ELF | elective low forceps; enhanced liver fibrosis (score) |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
elix | elixir |
ELS | endolymphatic shunt |
EM | electron microscopy; emergency medicine |
Em | emmetropia |
EMA-IgA | immunoglobulin a antiendomysial |
EMB | endomyocardial biopsy; ethmbutol; endometrial biopsy |
Emb | embryo |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility |
emer | emergency |
EMF | electromotive force; electromagnetic field |
EMG | electromyography; electromyogram |
EMIT | enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique |
emot | emotion(al) |
emp | as directed, in manner prescribed (ex modo prescripto) |
EMQ | extended matching question |
EMR | electromagnetic radiation; electronic medical record |
EMS | emergency medical service; electrical muscle stimulation; eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome |
EMT | emergency medical technician |
EMT-P | emergency medical technician paramedic |
EN | enteral nutrition; erythema nodosum |
ENA | extractable nuclear antigen |
ENaC | epithelial sodium channel |
ENDO | endoscopy; endoscopic |
Endo | endometriosis; endocrine |
Enf | Enfamil |
ENG | electronystagmography; electronystagmogram |
enl | enlarged |
ENL | erythema nodosum leprosum |
ENT | otorhinolaryngology/otolaryngologist; ear, nose and throat |
EOA | esophageal obturator airway |
EOB | Explanation Of Benefits |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
EOG | electrooculogram |
EOLC | end of life care |
EOM | extraocular muscles; extraocular movements |
EOMI | extraocular movements intact |
EOP | emergency operations plan |
eos | eosinophil |
EOS | end of study |
EP | ectopic pregnancy; electrophysiologic; escape/elope precautions; extrapyramidal |
EPA | environmental protection agency |
EPAP | expiratory positive airway pressure |
EPB | extensor pollicis brevis |
EPCR | endothelial protein C receptor |
EPEP | end positive expiratory pressure |
EPI | echo planar imaging; epidemiology or epidemiologist |
epi | epinephrine |
Epi | epidural |
epis | episiotomy |
EPITH | epithelial |
EPL | early pregnancy loss; extensor pollicis longus |
EPO | erythropoietin |
EPR | electron paramagnetic resonance; electronic patient record; emergency physical restraints |
EPS | elastosis perforans serpiginosa; electrophysiologic study; extrapyramidal symptoms |
EPSDT | early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment |
EPSE | extrapyramidal side effects |
EPUAP | European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel |
eq | equal |
equip | equipment |
equiv | equivalent |
Er | erbium [element] |
ER | extended-release (medication); emergency room; endoplasmic reticulum; external rotation |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ERF | established renal failure |
ERG | electroretinogram |
EROA | effective regurgitant orifice area |
ERP | effective refractory period; emergency response plan |
ERS | education resource specialist; extended rotated side bent |
ERT | external radiation therapy; emergency resuscitation team; estrogen replacement therapy |
ERV | expiratory reserve volume |
ery/dL | erythrocytes per deciliters |
ES | electrical stimulation; effect size; extra strength |
ESA | erythropoiesis stimulating agent |
ESB | electrical stimulation of the brain |
ESBL | extended-spectrum beta laminase |
ESC | European Society of Cardiology |
ESD | electrostatic discharge |
eSET | elective single-embryo transfer |
ESG | estrogen |
ESIG | electronic signature |
ESLD | end-stage liver disease |
ESO | esophagus |
esoph | esophagus |
esp | especially |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
ESRF | end stage renal failure |
ESSG | spondylarthropathy study group |
EST | electroshock therapy; expressed sequence tag |
esub | electronic submission |
ESV | end-systolic volume |
ESWL | extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy |
ESWT | endurance shuttle walk test |
ET | eustachian tube; esotropia; embryo transfer; estrogen therapy; enterostomal therapist; endotracheal |
et | and |
ET-1 | endothelin-1 |
ETA | embryo toxicity assay; estimated time of arrival |
ETC | electron transport chain |
etc. | etcetera, and so on |
ETCO2 | end-tidal carbon dioxide |
ETD | eustachian tube dysfunction |
EtOH | Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol |
ETP | elective termination of pregnancy |
ETS | environmental tobacco smoke (exposure) |
ETT | exercise tolerance test; endotracheal tube |
ETU | endotoxin unit; emergency trauma unit |
Eu | europium [element] |
EU | ELISA unit; endotoxin unit |
EUA | emergency use authorization; examination under anesthesia; examination under anesthetic |
EULAR | European League Against Rheumatism |
EUS | endoscopic ultrasound |
EV | ELISA value |
evac | evacuate, evacuation |
EVAC | endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure |
eval | evaluation |
EVAR | endovascular aneurysm repair |
EVD | external ventricular drain |
EVH | endoscopic vein harvesting |
EVLW | extravascular lung water |
EVOO | extra-virgin olive oil |
Ex | examination |
exam | examination |
exer | exercise |
expir | expire |
ext | extremity; extend; exterior, external; extract |
ext. | external; extensor |
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This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. Abbreviations vary by context and institution. Many abbreviations have alternate or newer meanings not reflected in this set. The abbreviations on this page should not be considered complete.