Browse Medical Abbreviations
F | fluorine [element]; Fahrenheit; father; female |
F&C | foam and condoms |
F&E | fluid and electrolyte |
F-V loop | flow volume loop |
F/H | family history |
F/T | full time |
F/U | follow-up |
fa | father |
FA | fatty acid; femoral artery; folic acid; forearm |
FACC | Fellow of the American College of Cardiology |
FACD | Fellow of the American College of Dentists |
FACP | Fellow of the American College of Physicians |
FACR | Fellow of the American College of Radiology |
FACS | fluorescence-activated cell sorter; Fellow, American College of Surgeons |
FADL | functional activities of daily living |
FADS | fetal akinesia deformation sequence |
FAI | femoroacetabular impingement; functional assessment inventory |
fam | family |
FAM | fertility awareness method |
FAMA | Fellow of the American Medical Association |
FANA | fluorescent antinuclear antibodies |
FAP | familial adenomatous polyposis |
FAPA | Fellow of the American Psychological Association |
FAS | fetal alcohol syndrome; facial affective scale |
fasc | fasciculus |
FAX | facsimile |
FB | foreign body, finger breadths; foreign body; finger-breadth (approx. width of finger) |
FBC | full blood count |
FBD | fibrocystic disease |
FBG | fasting blood glucose |
FBM | fetal breathing movements |
FBP | fetal biophysical profile |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
FCAS | familial cold auto-inflammatory syndrome |
FCB | fibrocystic breast |
FCE | functional capacity evaluation |
FCR | flexor carpi radialis |
FCU | flexor carpi ulnaris |
FD | fibrous dysplasia; fully dilated; focal distance; fire department; fatal dose |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FDB | flexor digitorum brevis |
FDIU | fetal death in utero |
FDL | flexor digitorum longus |
FDLMP | first date last menstrual period |
FDP | flexor digitorum profundus; fibrin degradation products |
FDS | flexor digitorum superficialis |
Fe | iron [element] |
FEES | flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing |
FEF | forced expiratory flow (rate) |
FeLV | feline leukemia virus |
fem | femoral; female |
FEM-POP | femoral-popliteal |
FES | functional electrical stimulation |
FESS | functional endoscopic sinus surgery |
FET | forced expiratory technique; frozen embryo transfer |
FEV | forced expiratory volume |
FEV 1 | forced expiratory volume in 1 second |
FEV1 | forced expiratory volume in 1 second |
FEVR | familial exudative vitreoretinopathy |
FF | force fluids; fundus firm |
FFA | free fatty acids; frontal fibrosing alopecia |
FFF | fibula free flap; fully formula fed |
FFL | flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma |
FFPE | fresh-frozen paraffin-embedded tissue |
FFR | fractional flow reserve |
FGF | fibroblast growth factor |
FGM | female genital mutilation |
FGT | female genital tract |
FH | family history; fundal height; familial hypercholesterolemia |
FHB | flexor hallucis brevis; fetal heartbeat |
FHC | family health center |
FHL | flexor hallucis longus |
FHR | fetal heart rate |
FHS | fetal heart sounds |
FHT | fetal heart tone(s) |
FHx | family history |
fib | fibrillation |
FICS | Fellow of the International College of Surgeons |
FIFO | first in, first out |
FIH | first-in-human [clinical trials] |
FIHP | familial isolated hyperparathyroidism |
FIM | functional independence measure |
FiO2 | fraction of inspired oxygen |
Fis | fusion inhibitors |
FISH | fluorescence in situ hybridization |
FITC | fluorescein isothiocyanate |
FIV | forced inspiratory volume |
fL | femtoliter |
fl | fluid |
FL | femur length |
fl dr | fluid dram |
fl oz | fluid ounce |
fl. | flexor |
Fl02 | fraction of inspired oxygen |
FLAIR | fluid-attenuated inversion recovery |
fld | fluid |
flex | flexion |
Flu | influenza |
fluoro | fluoroscopy |
FM | family medicine; fetal movement; frequency modulation; fibromyalgia |
fm | family |
FMD | family physician |
FMF | Familial Mediterranean Fever |
FMP | first menstrual period |
fMRI | functional magnetic resonance imaging |
FMS | fibromyalgia syndrome; full mouth series |
FMT | fecal microbiota transplant |
FMTE | full mouth tooth extraction |
FNA | fine needle aspiration |
FNAC | fine-needle aspiration cytology |
FNE | fiberoptic nasal endoscopy |
FNP | family nurse practitioner |
FOB | father of baby; fecal occult blood; fiberoptic bronchoscopy; foot of bed |
FOBT | fecal occult blood test |
FOC | fronto-occipital circumference |
FOD | free of disease |
FOI | flight of ideas |
FOM | floor of mouth |
font | fontanelle |
FOP | fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva |
FOUO | for official use only |
FP | follicular phase; family practitioner; family planning; family practice |
FPEM | family planning education materials |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose |
FPIA | fluorescence polarization immunoassay |
FPL | flexor pollicis longus |
fps | foot-pound-second |
FQHC | federally qualified healthcare; federally qualified health center |
FQN | fluoroquinolone |
FR | flocculation reaction; friction rub |
fr | from |
frac | fracture |
frag | fragment |
FRC | functional residual capacity |
FRCP | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians |
FRCS | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons |
freq | frequency |
FRG | functional related groups |
Fri | Friday |
FRJM | full range of joint movement |
FROM | full range of motion |
FRS | flexed rotated side bent |
FRV | functional residual volume |
FS | frozen section; Fealty's syndrome; finger stick |
FSBG | finger stick blood glucose/sugar |
FSBS | finger stick blood glucose/sugar |
FSE | fetal scalp electrode |
FSGS | focal segmental glomerulosclerosis |
FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
FSHD | facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy |
ft | foot, feet (0.3048 meter) |
FT | fingertip; full term |
ft. | make, let it be made (L. fiat) |
Ft. | make, let it be made (L. fiat) |
FT3 | Free triiodothyronine |
FT4 | Free thyroxine |
FTA | fluorescent treponema antigen (test for syphilis) |
FTA-ABS | fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption |
FTD | frontotemporal dementia |
FTI | free testosterone index |
FTN | finger to nose |
FTND | full term normal delivery |
FTP | failure to progress |
FTSG | full-thickness skin graft |
FTT | failure to thrive |
FU | follow-up |
FUDR | floxuridine |
func | function |
FUO | fever of unknown origin |
FVC | forced vital capacity |
FVD | fluid volume deficit |
FVE | fluid volume excess |
FWB | fully weight bearing |
fx | fracture |
FY | fiscal year |
FYI | for your information |
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This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. Abbreviations vary by context and institution. Many abbreviations have alternate or newer meanings not reflected in this set. The abbreviations on this page should not be considered complete.